My name is Matthew Geib. Over the last 10 years I have worked as a personal trainer in Staten Island, NY, combining my passion for fitness and personal development.

Throughout the years I've obtained certifications through the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) and National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) that include:

— ISSA CPT(Certified Personal Trainer)
— NASM PES (Performance Enhancement Specialist)
— NASM FES (Fitness Nutrition Specialist) 
— NASM MMACS (Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Specialist)

as well as becoming a ICF Certified professional Coach through IPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching). 

As my career in the fitness industry has progressed with helping hundreds of clients over the years, I have discovered the most profound changes occur when you train the mind and spirit in combination with the body. My own story of spiritual and mental development has guided me in working with clients on a much deeper level, which is the inspiration for Evolve-33. Over the years, this has attracted clients that are really fighting for something bigger than weight loss. I’ve worked with clients who could not walk due to nerve damage and brain injuries, with multiple sclerosis, parkinson's disease,and even cancer. In my work I incorporate highly effective mindset techniques such as subconscious reprograming, visualization, meditation and priming to challenge my clients’ limiting beliefs and blocks that are preventing them from reaching the level they aspire to reach. My goal is to continue to help others as they explore life outside their comfort zone and build resilience while connecting their minds and bodies to become the healthiest and best version of themselves. Every day we are all presented with a choice:

Evolve or remain the same.